McDonalds by the Interstate Highway by Studio Ghibli, art by Raf...

McDonalds by the Interstate Highway by Studio Ghibli, art by Raffaello Sanzio, transparent, sunset hair color, busy, frazetta, art by Paul Cézanne, art by Gerhard Richter, spitting acid, art by Giotto Di Bondone, art by Magdalena Carmen Frida Kahlo Claderón, portrait by Greg Rutkowski, portrait by Greg Rutkowski, American Craftsman Architecture

McDonalds by the Interstate Highway by Studio Ghibli, art by Raffaello Sanzio, transparent, sunset hair color, busy, frazetta, art by Paul Cézanne, art by Gerhard Richter, spitting acid, art by Giotto Di Bondone, art by Magdalena Carmen Frida Kahlo Claderón, portrait by Greg Rutkowski, portrait by Greg Rutkowski, American Craftsman Architecture

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