the interior of a beautiful gothic cathedral, art by Magdalena C...

the interior of a beautiful gothic cathedral, art by Magdalena Carmen Frida Kahlo Claderón, photshoot, red, metallic colours +8k, art by Tommaso Masaccio, art by Jackson Pollock, art by Jean-michel Basquiat, art by Jan Van Eyck, welding sparks flying, art by Mark Rothko, sharp, art by Johannes Vermeer, Light Art, art by Jan Van Eyck

the interior of a beautiful gothic cathedral, art by Magdalena Carmen Frida Kahlo Claderón, photshoot, red, metallic colours +8k, art by Tommaso Masaccio, art by Jackson Pollock, art by Jean-michel Basquiat, art by Jan Van Eyck, welding sparks flying, art by Mark Rothko, sharp, art by Johannes Vermeer, Light Art, art by Jan Van Eyck

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