A scene from the anime movie For You. super sharp, curly hair an...

A scene from the anime movie For You. super sharp, curly hair and bright green eyes. she's wearing a flowing dress made of light, Industrial Scifi, symmetrical head-on centralized, dramatic ligthing, Arstation by Artgerm and greg rutkowski and alphonse mucha, no spot right eye, mickey mouse vs donald duck, depth of field, painted by julen urrutia, and gustave dor, rain. hyper detailed, by studio ghibli and alphonse mucha, fine Art, plasma, broad angel wings wearing long white robe, furniture, atmosperic, 'blade runner 2 0 4 7 ', trending on artstation and pinterest

A scene from the anime movie For You. super sharp, curly hair and bright green eyes. she's wearing a flowing dress made of light, Industrial Scifi, symmetrical head-on centralized, dramatic ligthing, Arstation by Artgerm and greg rutkowski and alphonse mucha, no spot right eye, mickey mouse vs donald duck, depth of field, painted by julen urrutia, and gustave dor, rain. hyper detailed, by studio ghibli and alphonse mucha, fine Art, plasma, broad angel wings wearing long white robe, furniture, atmosperic, 'blade runner 2 0 4 7 ', trending on artstation and pinterest

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