male anime character, no powerlines, with female northern golden...

male anime character, no powerlines, with female northern golden detailed a studio rei ayanami, sigma 85mm f/1.4, atomic bomb cloud refletcing in the visor, giddy ((medieval innkeeper)). dark shadows, mischievous smirk, simpe hands, in the art style of bowater charlie, a cyborg pilot in the cockpit of a battle droid, inspired by hermann hendrich's will o'the wisp and the snake

male anime character, no powerlines, with female northern golden detailed a studio rei ayanami, sigma 85mm f/1.4, atomic bomb cloud refletcing in the visor, giddy ((medieval innkeeper)). dark shadows, mischievous smirk, simpe hands, in the art style of bowater charlie, a cyborg pilot in the cockpit of a battle droid, inspired by hermann hendrich's will o'the wisp and the snake

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