An anime portrait of a woman with straight brown hair, art style...

An anime portrait of a woman with straight brown hair, art style by pixar dreamworks warner bros disney riot games and overwatch., humble philosopher., tyler jacobson, seinen, gray hair. in style of yoji shinkawa and hyung - tae kim, cosmic energy by kelly mckernan, by Conrad Roset, 746017696, constrast, robot skeleton, charles vess, vfx. closeup gorgeous young cg gentle girlish feminine boy with long hair, logical anatomy, armor with long blue light sapphires blue lines, fur, turtle shell collar!!l, dark light, medium shot digital illustration trending on artstation by artgerm and raphaelite, smiling expression, white t - shirt and brown boots repairing the tires of a motorcycle in the workshop garage

An anime portrait of a woman with straight brown hair, art style by pixar dreamworks warner bros disney riot games and overwatch., humble philosopher., tyler jacobson, seinen, gray hair. in style of yoji shinkawa and hyung - tae kim, cosmic energy by kelly mckernan, by Conrad Roset, 746017696, constrast, robot skeleton, charles vess, vfx. closeup gorgeous young cg gentle girlish feminine boy with long hair, logical anatomy, armor with long blue light sapphires blue lines, fur, turtle shell collar!!l, dark light, medium shot digital illustration trending on artstation by artgerm and raphaelite, smiling expression, white t - shirt and brown boots repairing the tires of a motorcycle in the workshop garage

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