a portrait of a cinematic still of the happy zelda, street fight...

a portrait of a cinematic still of the happy zelda, street fighter iv, anthropomorphic sphynx cat, advanced stage lighting, stunning, dirty colours, by thomas eakes greg rutkowski xiang duan, glowing pink knives, art by john berkey and anton fadeev and john howe and simon stalenhag, laser jewelry, sleeveless turtleneck, by rembrandt, award - winning photography trending on artstation, very very very cute troll in a happy world by Daniel Merriam, black sunglasses

a portrait of a cinematic still of the happy zelda, street fighter iv, anthropomorphic sphynx cat, advanced stage lighting, stunning, dirty colours, by thomas eakes greg rutkowski xiang duan, glowing pink knives, art by john berkey and anton fadeev and john howe and simon stalenhag, laser jewelry, sleeveless turtleneck, by rembrandt, award - winning photography trending on artstation, very very very cute troll in a happy world by Daniel Merriam, black sunglasses

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