portrait of a mechanic lying within a cramped and dimly lit bunk...

portrait of a mechanic lying within a cramped and dimly lit bunk, titan goose peeking over massive village wall, coronal storm, dim reddish - toned lighting, at a bar, style of illuminated manuscript, the family are all wearing 1860s era clothes, casting a glowing spell out of her hands, professional art, concept art by greg rutkowski and simon stalenhag, elegant face, artem demura and alphonse mucha, by beeple

portrait of a mechanic lying within a cramped and dimly lit bunk, titan goose peeking over massive village wall, coronal storm, dim reddish - toned lighting, at a bar, style of illuminated manuscript, the family are all wearing 1860s era clothes, casting a glowing spell out of her hands, professional art, concept art by greg rutkowski and simon stalenhag, elegant face, artem demura and alphonse mucha, by beeple

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