portrait of an astronaut with a broken helmet, many beings walki...

portrait of an astronaut with a broken helmet, many beings walking about, vector art, houdini rendering, art by simon bisley and greg rutkowski, fine details. realistic shaded lighting, white long socks and is holding a cane. female has long brown hair, balloons, artstation. fractal papers, dressed in a refined silvery garment. The background is a dark, magical composition, award wining, sportscars with expensive streets, library reading hall in dark academia aesthetic

portrait of an astronaut with a broken helmet, many beings walking about, vector art, houdini rendering, art by simon bisley and greg rutkowski, fine details. realistic shaded lighting, white long socks and is holding a cane. female has long brown hair, balloons, artstation. fractal papers, dressed in a refined silvery garment. The background is a dark, magical composition, award wining, sportscars with expensive streets, library reading hall in dark academia aesthetic

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