a young man falling from the sky towards a magical city with a e...

a young man falling from the sky towards a magical city with a european style at night, lost city, art by christopher balaskas, white and teal metallic accents, kazuya takahashi, highly detailed!, vector line art, halloween, beautifull puffy clouds.  anime, !subtle smiling!, glazed by bridget riley and victor vasarely, mysticism, serious solemn, superrealism, liquide in tube, gradient black to green

a young man falling from the sky towards a magical city with a european style at night, lost city, art by christopher balaskas, white and teal metallic accents, kazuya takahashi, highly detailed!, vector line art, halloween, beautifull puffy clouds. anime, !subtle smiling!, glazed by bridget riley and victor vasarely, mysticism, serious solemn, superrealism, liquide in tube, gradient black to green

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