portrait of an alchemist in a magic laboratory, explosion in the...

portrait of an alchemist in a magic laboratory, explosion in the background, and rene magritte. detailed, evil, sitting at the resolute desk in the oval office, carved from opal by tsutomu nihei, human brain with visible folds and veins, metmuseum, teeth between bread and patty, alien skulls, surprise, centered, vogue cover : :, 8 k character concept art, characterized by william - adolphe bouguereau, big forehead, with hellish devil wings, eyeballs

portrait of an alchemist in a magic laboratory, explosion in the background, and rene magritte. detailed, evil, sitting at the resolute desk in the oval office, carved from opal by tsutomu nihei, human brain with visible folds and veins, metmuseum, teeth between bread and patty, alien skulls, surprise, centered, vogue cover : :, 8 k character concept art, characterized by william - adolphe bouguereau, big forehead, with hellish devil wings, eyeballs

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