SCP-87123 is currently contained in Containment cell D-213 , in Site-19's Biological Research Facility. All personnel entering SCP-87123's containment cell are to enter wearing modified spacesuit riot helmets. Personnel entering SCP-87123's containment cell must be wearing motion-detecting body suits. Special Photographic Collection Equipment will be positioned outside SCP-87123's containment cell. Any attempted disruption to SCP-87123's sleeping habits will result in severe hyperthermia , with fatal consequences. Any individuals found to be involved in these disruptions will be immediately terminated , and their bodies immediately removed. All materials retrieved during the creation of SCP-87123 are stored in a safe containment locker within Site-81. Any files that contain information pertaining to SCP-87123 are stored in a safe containment locker at Site-49. This storage locker has been designated as SCP-87123-1. All known instances of SCP-87123-1 are to be destroyed following accession. ,
{ "seed": 1024 }
Created on: 9/7/2022, 5:08:08 PM