forestpunk max and cheese, art by Leonardo Da Vinci, art by Paul...

forestpunk max and cheese, art by Leonardo Da Vinci, art by Paul Gauguin, art by Édouard Manet, raphaelites, he has two scalpels made of laser-light in his hands, wing-tip to wing-tip, full hd render +4k UHD + immense detail + dramatic ligthning + black and purple, art by William Blake, art by Kazimir Malevich, art by Paul Cézanne, art by Kazimir Malevich, transparent

forestpunk max and cheese, art by Leonardo Da Vinci, art by Paul Gauguin, art by Édouard Manet, raphaelites, he has two scalpels made of laser-light in his hands, wing-tip to wing-tip, full hd render +4k UHD + immense detail + dramatic ligthning + black and purple, art by William Blake, art by Kazimir Malevich, art by Paul Cézanne, art by Kazimir Malevich, transparent

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