Crowdsourced AI Art - 136

Explore AI generated designs, images, art and prompts by top community artists and designers.
 high-rise building, the building facade: photovoltaic panel ,3D, blue sky
 high-rise building, the building facade: photovoltaic panel ,3D
 high-rise building, the building facade: photovoltaic panel ,3D
 high-rise building, the building facade: photovoltaic panel and plants,3D
entrance of high-rise building, the building facade: photovoltaic panel and plant,3D
carbon bank
facing Three-blade wind turbines,3D,blue sky and white clouds,far-sightedness
Generar una imagen de un superhéroe original con los siguientes atributos: traje futurista de alta tecnología, colores predominantes azul y plateado, capa larga ondeando al viento, símbolo en el pecho con forma de estrella, y un casco con visor. El superhéroe debe estar en una pose heroica, con un paisaje urbano futurista de fondo, lleno de rascacielos y luces de neón., Cartoon
New energy charging station,3D,outside
entrance of New energy charging station,3D,
 high-rise building, the building facade: photovoltaic panel ,3D, blue sky
 high-rise building, the building facade: photovoltaic panel ,3D
 high-rise building, the building facade: photovoltaic panel ,3D
 high-rise building, the building facade: photovoltaic panel ,3D
Um cachorro peludo deitado ao lado de uma criança pequena que está dormindo, ao lado de uma criança, 3D
facing Three-blade wind turbines,3D,blue sky and white clouds,far-sightedness from ground
facing Three-blade wind turbines,3D,blue sky and white clouds
Generar una imagen de un superhéroe original con los siguientes atributos: traje futurista de alta tecnología, colores predominantes azul y plateado, capa larga ondeando al viento, símbolo en el pecho con forma de estrella, y un casco con visor. El superhéroe debe estar en una pose heroica, con un paisaje urbano futurista de fondo, lleno de rascacielos y luces de neón.
entrance of New energy charging station,3D,outside
entrance of New energy charging station,3D,outside
 high-rise building, the building facade: photovoltaic panel ,3D
 high-rise building, the building facade: photovoltaic panel ,3D
 high-rise building, the building facade: photovoltaic panel ,3D
entrance of high-rise building, the building facade: photovoltaic panel ,3D
Um cachorro peludo deitado ao lado de uma criança pequena que está dormindo

A cena é tranquila e acolhedora, iluminada suavemente por uma luz difusa que entra pela janela. O cachorro, de pelagem espessa e olhos gentis, descansa serenamente ao lado da criança, demonstrando uma proteção silenciosa e um carinho incondicional. A respiração tranquila da criança e o suave movimento do pelo do cachorro ao respirar sugerem um momento de paz e conforto profundos.

Na penumbra reconfortante do quarto, a luz fraca da noite filtrava-se pela cortina entreaberta, lançando sombras suaves sobre os móveis. No centro desse cenário de serenidade repousava uma cena encantadora: um cachorro de pelagem densa e olhos ternos deitado ao lado de uma criança adormecida.

O cachorro, com sua pelagem macia e brilhante, parecia velar pelo sono tranquilo da criança. Seu corpo subia e descia ritmicamente ao ritmo de sua respiração calma, enquanto sua cabeça repousava delicadamente sobre as patas dianteiras estendidas. A criança, encolhida sob um cobertor colorido, parecia imersa em sonhos pacíficos, sem qualquer preocupação ou medo.

O silêncio era interrompido apenas pelo ocasional suspiro suave da criança e pelo leve farfalhar do cachorro ajustando sua posição para ficar ainda mais perto. Era uma cena de confiança mútua e afeto incondicional, onde a presença calorosa do animal oferecia uma sensação de segurança e companhia reconfortantes.
facing Three-blade wind turbines,3D,blue sky and white clouds,far-sightedness
un superhéroe original con los siguientes atributos: traje futurista de alta tecnología, colores predominantes azul y plateado, capa larga ondeando al viento, símbolo en el pecho con forma de estrella, y un casco con visor., Cartoon
New energy charging station,3D,outside
A grand, futuristic space station, that is also a colony. Multiple spaceships, varying in size and design, are docked or floating around the inside the station.A grand, futuristic space station, that is also a colony. Multiple spaceships, varying in size and design, are docked or floating around the inside the station. The station itself is adorned with intricate architectural designs, illuminated by vibrant lights in hues of blue, orange, and red. On the ground level, a multitude of alien beings, dressed in diverse attire, are seen interacting, conversing, or simply observing. There are numerous construction equipment vehicles. 🧰🏗️👷👷‍♀️👷‍♂️🚧🧰🚧🥽🏗️⚒️⚓⚗️⚙️⛏️✂️🔦🔥🔎🔍📐👩‍🔧👨‍🔧🔱🔨🔩🗜️🔪🛠️🔫🧑‍🔧🔬🪚🪛🔭The backdrop is dominated by a massive, glowing planet, suggesting that this colony is located on or near a celestial body. There at least 200 humans, aliens, humanoids, cyborgs, Massive equipment, that moves just about any ship around. A grand, futuristic space station, that is also a colony. Multiple spaceships, varying in size and design, are docked or floating around the inside the station. The station itself is adorned with intricate architectural designs, illuminated by vibrant lights in hues of blue, orange, and red. On the ground level, a multitude of alien beings, dressed in diverse attire, are seen interacting, conversing, or simply observing. There are numerous construction equipment vehicles. 🧰🏗️👷👷‍♀️👷‍♂️🚧🧰🚧🥽🏗️⚒️⚓⚗️⚙️⛏️✂️🔦🔥🔎🔍📐👩‍🔧👨‍🔧🔱🔨🔩🗜️🔪🛠️🔫🧑‍🔧🔬🪚🪛🔭The backdrop is dominated by a massive, glowing planet, suggesting that this colony is located on or near a celestial body. There at least 200 humans, aliens, humanoids, cyborgs, Massive equipment, that moves just about any ship around. It hangs from the mile high ceiling.It hangs from the mile high ceiling. The station itself is adorned with intricate architectural designs, illuminated by vibrant lights in hues of blue, orange, and red. On the ground level, a multitude of alien beings, dressed in diverse attire, are seen interacting, conversing, or simply observing. There are numerous construction equipment vehicles. 🧰🏗️👷👷‍♀️👷‍♂️🚧🧰🚧🥽🏗️⚒️⚓⚗️⚙️⛏️✂️🔦🔥🔎🔍📐👩‍🔧👨‍🔧🔱🔨🔩🗜️🔪🛠️🔫🧑‍🔧🔬🪚🪛🔭The backdrop is dominated by a massive, glowing planet, suggesting that this colony is located on or near a celestial body. There at least 200 humans, aliens, humanoids, cyborgs, Massive equipment, that moves just about any ship around. It hangs from the mile high ceiling.
A grand, futuristic space station, that is also a colony. Multiple spaceships, varying in size and design, are docked or floating around the inside the station.A grand, futuristic space station, that is also a colony. Multiple spaceships, varying in size and design, are docked or floating around the inside the station. The station itself is adorned with intricate architectural designs, illuminated by vibrant lights in hues of blue, orange, and red. On the ground level, a multitude of alien beings, dressed in diverse attire, are seen interacting, conversing, or simply observing. There are numerous construction equipment vehicles. 🧰🏗️👷👷‍♀️👷‍♂️🚧🧰🚧🥽🏗️⚒️⚓⚗️⚙️⛏️✂️🔦🔥🔎🔍📐👩‍🔧👨‍🔧🔱🔨🔩🗜️🔪🛠️🔫🧑‍🔧🔬🪚🪛🔭The backdrop is dominated by a massive, glowing planet, suggesting that this colony is located on or near a celestial body. There at least 200 humans, aliens, humanoids, cyborgs, Massive equipment, that moves just about any ship around. A grand, futuristic space station, that is also a colony. Multiple spaceships, varying in size and design, are docked or floating around the inside the station. The station itself is adorned with intricate architectural designs, illuminated by vibrant lights in hues of blue, orange, and red. On the ground level, a multitude of alien beings, dressed in diverse attire, are seen interacting, conversing, or simply observing. There are numerous construction equipment vehicles. 🧰🏗️👷👷‍♀️👷‍♂️🚧🧰🚧🥽🏗️⚒️⚓⚗️⚙️⛏️✂️🔦🔥🔎🔍📐👩‍🔧👨‍🔧🔱🔨🔩🗜️🔪🛠️🔫🧑‍🔧🔬🪚🪛🔭The backdrop is dominated by a massive, glowing planet, suggesting that this colony is located on or near a celestial body. There at least 200 humans, aliens, humanoids, cyborgs, Massive equipment, that moves just about any ship around. It hangs from the mile high ceiling.It hangs from the mile high ceiling. The station itself is adorned with intricate architectural designs, illuminated by vibrant lights in hues of blue, orange, and red. On the ground level, a multitude of alien beings, dressed in diverse attire, are seen interacting, conversing, or simply observing. There are numerous construction equipment vehicles. 🧰🏗️👷👷‍♀️👷‍♂️🚧🧰🚧🥽🏗️⚒️⚓⚗️⚙️⛏️✂️🔦🔥🔎🔍📐👩‍🔧👨‍🔧🔱🔨🔩🗜️🔪🛠️🔫🧑‍🔧🔬🪚🪛🔭The backdrop is dominated by a massive, glowing planet, suggesting that this colony is located on or near a celestial body. There at least 200 humans, aliens, humanoids, cyborgs, Massive equipment, that moves just about any ship around. It hangs from the mile high ceiling.