beautiful face, (raw photo ,photorealistic:1.4),best quality ,ma...

ah3-c6786474a78a.jpeg ah3-d6e26474a78a.jpeg ah3-e14d6474a78a.jpeg ah3-6eb16474a78a.jpeg

beautiful face, (raw photo ,photorealistic:1.4),best quality ,masterpiece, illustration, an extremely delicate and beautiful, extremely detailed ,CG ,unity ,8k wallpaper, Amazing, finely detail, masterpiece,best quality,official art,beautiful detailed girl, extremely detailed eyes and face,straw hat, dress, summer beach

{ "Seed": 62263, "Scale": 7.5, "Steps": 33, "Sampler": "pndm", "Img Width": 576, "Img Height": 768, "Similar Imgs": "No", "model_version": "DiffusionBeecustom_bra_v5", "Negative Prompt": "(looking at viewer:1.1)\n\n(low quality, worst quality, out of focus, ugly, error, jpeg artifacts, lowers, blurry, bokeh:1.5)\n(bad anatomy, long_neck, long_body, longbody, deformed mutated disfigured, missing arms, extra_arms, mutated hands, extra_legs, bad hands, poorly_drawn_hands, malformed_hands, missing_limb, floating_limbs, disconnected_limbs, extra_fingers, bad fingers, liquid fingers, poorly drawn fingers, missing fingers, extra digit, fewer digits, ugly face, deformed eyes, partial face, partial head, bad face, inaccurate limb, cropped:1.2)\n(text, signature, watermark, username, artist name, stamp, title, subtitle, date, footer, header:1.1)" }
