A noir-inspired digital illustration portrays a seductive scene ...

A noir-inspired digital illustration portrays a seductive scene where a mysterious femme fatale ((with captivating eyes)) holds a stolen artifact in a smoky, dimly lit room. The photorealistic depiction emphasizes shadows, reflections, and intricate details, evoking a sense of mystery and danger.

{ "VAE": "Tiled VAE", "Seed": 317455962, "Size": "3200x1800", "Model": "Selects - SymbolicLink_colorful_v30", "Score": 8.53, "Steps": 33, "Sampler": "DPM++ SDE Karras", "Algorithm": "Tiled Diffusion", "CFG scale": 10, "Clip skip": 1, "Model hash": "1a36578807", "Hires steps": 33, "Hires upscale": 2.5, "Hires upscaler": "Latent (bicubic antialiased)", "NegativePrompt": "bad-picture-chill-75v, verybadimagenegative_v1.3, EasyNegative, bad-image-v2-39000, badhandv4, bad-hands-5, worst quality, blurry, out of focus, low quality, out of frame, logo, signature, username, watermark, picture frame, smudges", "Denoising strength": 0.55, "Token merging ratio": 0.6, "Token merging random": true, "Token merging ratio hr": 0.6 }
