A blender that emits a high-pitched noise that only dogs can hea...

A blender that emits a high-pitched noise that only dogs can hear, causing them to howl and bark incessantly whenever it's turned on.

{ "seed": 1638561918, "size": "2880x3840", "model": "Selects - SymbolicLink_colorful_v30", "score": 5.96, "steps": 20, "sampler": "DPM++ SDE Karras", "cfg_scale": 9, "clip_skip": 2, "model_hash": "1a36578807", "negative_prompt": "bad-picture-chill-75v, verybadimagenegative_v1.3, EasyNegative, bad-image-v2-39000, badhandv4, bad-hands-5, worst quality, blurry, out of focus, low quality, out of frame, logo, signature, username, watermark, picture frame", "denoising_strength": 0.25, "token_merging_ratio": 0.5, "token_merging_random": true, "token_merging_ratio_hr": 0.5, "ultimate_sd_upscale_padding": 32, "ultimate_sd_upscale_upscaler": "4x_foolhardy_Remacri", "ultimate_sd_upscale_mask_blur": 8, "ultimate_sd_upscale_tile_width": 512, "ultimate_sd_upscale_tile_height": 512 }
