The image shows an artificial intelligence in the form of a Shib...

The image shows an artificial intelligence in the form of a Shiba Inu dog, sitting in front of a huge hamburger. The dog is wearing a crown on his head and has a curious and sly expression on his face. With one front paw, the dog is holding a toothpick that has a crystal ball on top, as if divining the future.

In the burger you can see different ingredients like lettuce, tomato, cheese, meat and sauces, which make it look very tasty. The hamburger is so large that the dog appears to be in reduced proportion compared to it.

In short, the image shows an artificial intelligence in the form of a shiba inu dog that appears to be telling the future using a crystal ball on a toothpick, while sitting in front of a giant delicious burger, wearing a crown on its head., Trippy, Trippy

The image shows an artificial intelligence in the form of a Shiba Inu dog, sitting in front of a huge hamburger. The dog is wearing a crown on his head and has a curious and sly expression on his face. With one front paw, the dog is holding a toothpick that has a crystal ball on top, as if divining the future. In the burger you can see different ingredients like lettuce, tomato, cheese, meat and sauces, which make it look very tasty. The hamburger is so large that the dog appears to be in reduced proportion compared to it. In short, the image shows an artificial intelligence in the form of a shiba inu dog that appears to be telling the future using a crystal ball on a toothpick, while sitting in front of a giant delicious burger, wearing a crown on its head., Trippy, Trippy

{ "seed": "2250907309", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SD1.4_SH", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
