A realistic yet strikingly handsome anime man stands on the sand...

A realistic yet strikingly handsome anime man stands on the sandy shores of a beautiful beach, clad only in a pair of form-fitting navy blue boxer briefs. The sun beats down on his tanned, chiseled physique, with every muscle toned and defined to perfection. His short, spiky hair is ruffled by the ocean breeze, and his bright blue eyes survey the breathtaking scenery around him. His powerful arms and broad chest are on full display, as are the curves of his muscular legs. The waistband of his underwear sits low on his hips, revealing the subtle contours of his defined abs. His posture exudes a sense of strength and confidence, and his gaze is intense and focused. The details of his form, from the intricate folds of his underwear to the subtle lines and curves of his muscles, are rendered in stunningly lifelike detail, capturing the beauty and realism of anime art.

A realistic yet strikingly handsome anime man stands on the sandy shores of a beautiful beach, clad only in a pair of form-fitting navy blue boxer briefs. The sun beats down on his tanned, chiseled physique, with every muscle toned and defined to perfection. His short, spiky hair is ruffled by the ocean breeze, and his bright blue eyes survey the breathtaking scenery around him. His powerful arms and broad chest are on full display, as are the curves of his muscular legs. The waistband of his underwear sits low on his hips, revealing the subtle contours of his defined abs. His posture exudes a sense of strength and confidence, and his gaze is intense and focused. The details of his form, from the intricate folds of his underwear to the subtle lines and curves of his muscles, are rendered in stunningly lifelike detail, capturing the beauty and realism of anime art.

{ "seed": "2737012744", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SD1.4_SH", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
