Style: Steampunk; Scene: A bustling airship port filled with tow...

Style: Steampunk; Scene: A bustling airship port filled with towering ships and hot air balloons. The sky is filled with clouds and steam, and the characters are adorned in intricate clockwork goggles and top hats.

{ "Seed": 3332864833, "Size": "384x512", "Model": "Selects - SymbolicLink_colorful_v30", "Score": 6.79, "Steps": 35, "Sampler": "DPM++ SDE Karras", "CFG scale": 9, "Clip skip": 2, "Model hash": "1a36578807", "Hires steps": 35, "Hires upscale": 2.5, "Hires upscaler": "Latent (bicubic antialiased)", "Negative prompt": [ "bad-picture-chill-75v", "verybadimagenegative_v1.3", "EasyNegative", "bad-image-v2-39000", "badhandv4", "bad-hands-5", "worst quality", "blurry", "out of focus", "low quality", "out of frame", "logo", "signature", "username", "watermark", "picture frame" ], "Denoising strength": 0.6, "Token merging ratio": 0.3, "Token merging ratio hr": 0.5 }
