A group of hardened criminals gather in a smoky bar, their faces...

A group of hardened criminals gather in a smoky bar, their faces obscured by the dim light and the thick haze of cigarette smoke that fills the air. The sound of their whispered conversations echoes through the room, as they plot their next heist and trade stories of their past exploits.

{ "Seed": 3565876788, "Size": "384x512", "Model": "Selects - SymbolicLink_colorful_v30", "Score": 7.55, "Steps": 35, "Sampler": "DPM++ SDE Karras", "CFG scale": 9, "Clip skip": 2, "Model hash": "1a36578807", "Hires steps": 35, "Hires upscale": 2.5, "Hires upscaler": "Latent (bicubic antialiased)", "Negative prompt": [ "bad-picture-chill-75v", "verybadimagenegative_v1.3", "EasyNegative", "bad-image-v2-39000", "badhandv4", "bad-hands-5", "worst quality", "blurry", "out of focus", "low quality", "out of frame", "logo", "signature", "username", "watermark", "picture frame" ], "Denoising strength": 0.6, "Token merging ratio": 0.3, "Token merging ratio hr": 0.5 }
