The central scene shows a desolate landscape, a prosperous human...

The central scene shows a desolate landscape, a prosperous human civilization. rubble and decrepit structures. The horizon is dyed in bright and sinister colors. In the center you can see a giant hourglass. At the top of the clock you see the planet earth sinking into sand and falling at the bottom. It symbolizes the time that is running out for humanity. Behind the hourglass, silhouettes of withered and twisted human figures. In the shadows. The title, which could be something like "The Last Tear of the Earth", highlighting the message of the artwork. Evocative and visually stunning at the same time, it delivers the critical message about the inevitability of our own doom if we continue to thoughtlessly consume Earth's resources.

The central scene shows a desolate landscape, a prosperous human civilization. rubble and decrepit structures. The horizon is dyed in bright and sinister colors. In the center you can see a giant hourglass. At the top of the clock you see the planet earth sinking into sand and falling at the bottom. It symbolizes the time that is running out for humanity. Behind the hourglass, silhouettes of withered and twisted human figures. In the shadows. The title, which could be something like "The Last Tear of the Earth", highlighting the message of the artwork. Evocative and visually stunning at the same time, it delivers the critical message about the inevitability of our own doom if we continue to thoughtlessly consume Earth's resources.

{ "seed": "2149161117", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SD1.4_SH", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
