Imagine a world where dogs have been genetically modified with c...

Imagine a world where dogs have been genetically modified with cybernetic enhancements to become the ultimate companions in a dystopian society. In this cyberpunk future, show us an image of a sleek, technologically advanced dog with glowing, augmented eyes, and a body enhanced with machinery. Perhaps this dog is being walked by its owner through a neon-lit alleyway, or maybe it's on a mission to retrieve a valuable piece of data in a high-tech corporate office. Whatever the scenario, bring to life a stunning visual representation of a cyberpunk dog that embodies both the loyalty and cutting-edge technology of its futuristic world.

Imagine a world where dogs have been genetically modified with cybernetic enhancements to become the ultimate companions in a dystopian society. In this cyberpunk future, show us an image of a sleek, technologically advanced dog with glowing, augmented eyes, and a body enhanced with machinery. Perhaps this dog is being walked by its owner through a neon-lit alleyway, or maybe it's on a mission to retrieve a valuable piece of data in a high-tech corporate office. Whatever the scenario, bring to life a stunning visual representation of a cyberpunk dog that embodies both the loyalty and cutting-edge technology of its futuristic world.

{ "seed": "3360492479", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SD1.4_SH", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
