Protagonist: The Sun The picture shows the dark clouds in the sk...

Protagonist: The Sun The picture shows the dark clouds in the sky disappearing, the sun radiating light, and repairing the cracks in the sky. On the ground, the ants celebrate the victory of the sun and sing an ancient hymn, celebrating the warmth brought by the sun. The sun has a bright smile. It is an old friend of the ants and always appears when needed the most.pixar disney 4 k 3 d render movie oscar winning trending on artstation and behance. ratatouille style.

Protagonist: The Sun The picture shows the dark clouds in the sky disappearing, the sun radiating light, and repairing the cracks in the sky. On the ground, the ants celebrate the victory of the sun and sing an ancient hymn, celebrating the warmth brought by the sun. The sun has a bright smile. It is an old friend of the ants and always appears when needed the most.pixar disney 4 k 3 d render movie oscar winning trending on artstation and behance. ratatouille style.

{ "seed": "2433994830", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SD1.4_SH", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
