In the center of a bustling market, Ali Baba stands tall, surrou...

In the center of a bustling market, Ali Baba stands tall, surrounded by various goods. He wears a shabby white robe and a conical hat, and holds a small stick in his hand. Behind him, a sheep stands in a rudimentary wooden cage. The scene is full of vitality and enthusiasm, with vendors shouting out their wares and customers haggling for the best prices. Ali Baba's face is determined and focused, conveying his diligence and entrepreneurial spirit., Cartoon

In the center of a bustling market, Ali Baba stands tall, surrounded by various goods. He wears a shabby white robe and a conical hat, and holds a small stick in his hand. Behind him, a sheep stands in a rudimentary wooden cage. The scene is full of vitality and enthusiasm, with vendors shouting out their wares and customers haggling for the best prices. Ali Baba's face is determined and focused, conveying his diligence and entrepreneurial spirit., Cartoon

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