Generate a government-issued identification photo of a 30-age Ch...

Generate a government-issued identification photo of a 30-age Chinese man with short black hair, small eyes, slightly dark skin, and prominent forehead wrinkles. The photo should be in color and have a plain white background. The man should be facing the camera directly with a neutral expression, and his head should be centered and in focus. The overall style of the photo should be simple and official, suitable for use as a formal identification document

Generate a government-issued identification photo of a 30-age Chinese man with short black hair, small eyes, slightly dark skin, and prominent forehead wrinkles. The photo should be in color and have a plain white background. The man should be facing the camera directly with a neutral expression, and his head should be centered and in focus. The overall style of the photo should be simple and official, suitable for use as a formal identification document

{ "seed": "3562546007", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SD1.4_SH", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
