The second track and field games emblem of the university of voc...

The second track and field games emblem of the university of vocational and technical science and technology with the theme of "youth and vitality" reflects the spirit of "faster, higher and stronger" of the Olympic Games, and integrates into the characteristics of competitive sports. In line with the requirements of contemporary art aesthetics, the atmosphere of The Times is strong; Beautiful, simple; The composition is complete and coordinated; The form is novel and unique; Precise connotation and symbolic significance; Perfect form, easy to understand ,The text part is displayed in Chinese,Circular pattern, Water Color

The second track and field games emblem of the university of vocational and technical science and technology with the theme of "youth and vitality" reflects the spirit of "faster, higher and stronger" of the Olympic Games, and integrates into the characteristics of competitive sports. In line with the requirements of contemporary art aesthetics, the atmosphere of The Times is strong; Beautiful, simple; The composition is complete and coordinated; The form is novel and unique; Precise connotation and symbolic significance; Perfect form, easy to understand ,The text part is displayed in Chinese,Circular pattern, Water Color

{ "seed": "3446042352", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SD1.4_SH", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
