The Refueling Station: Generate an image of an abandoned refueli...

The Refueling Station: Generate an image of an abandoned refueling station, hovering above the turbulent, colorful clouds of a gas giant planet. The station is designed to refuel spacecraft and has large fuel storage tanks connected to a network of pipelines and hoses. The abandoned base is surrounded by a dense, thick mist, and the image should convey a sense of isolation and desolation. The station should feature intricate details such as rusted metal grates, leaking pipes, and discarded equipment.

The Refueling Station: Generate an image of an abandoned refueling station, hovering above the turbulent, colorful clouds of a gas giant planet. The station is designed to refuel spacecraft and has large fuel storage tanks connected to a network of pipelines and hoses. The abandoned base is surrounded by a dense, thick mist, and the image should convey a sense of isolation and desolation. The station should feature intricate details such as rusted metal grates, leaking pipes, and discarded equipment.

{ "seed": "3469387017", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SD1.4_SH", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
