Anime girl, realistic, silver short hair, heterochromia brown an...

Anime girl, realistic, silver short hair, heterochromia brown and grey, Large-breasted, full body sci fi cyberpunk tight, cute miniskirt, sweat body, Wearing white clothes that reveal the lines of a futuristic body, White suit, During the day, Full body Beautiful anime style girl, clean detailed faces, In a futuristic airport, Standing inside the airport, intracate clothing, Future city,Talking happily, analogous colors, beautiful gradient, depth of field, clean image, high quality, high detail, high definition, Luminous Studio graphics engine, cute face, slim waist, nice hips,

Anime girl, realistic, silver short hair, heterochromia brown and grey, Large-breasted, full body sci fi cyberpunk tight, cute miniskirt, sweat body, Wearing white clothes that reveal the lines of a futuristic body, White suit, During the day, Full body Beautiful anime style girl, clean detailed faces, In a futuristic airport, Standing inside the airport, intracate clothing, Future city,Talking happily, analogous colors, beautiful gradient, depth of field, clean image, high quality, high detail, high definition, Luminous Studio graphics engine, cute face, slim waist, nice hips,

{ "seed": "140332808", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SD1.4_SH", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
