(masterpiece), (better quality), a bored (bear) with green (fur)...

(masterpiece), (better quality), a bored (bear) with green (fur), wearing sunglasses, orange lenses, a poofy Jacket, anime 1980s \(style\), withLora(90sv1.3RW,1.25)

{ "image": { "seed": 1665738693, "type": "txt2img", "steps": 50, "width": 768, "height": 768, "perlin": 0.45, "prompt": "(masterpiece), (better quality), a bored (bear) with green (fur), wearing sunglasses, orange lenses, a poofy Jacket, anime 1980s \\(style\\), withLora(90sv1.3RW,1.25) [poorly drawn nose, poorly drawn eyes, veryBadImageNegative_v1.3 <easynegative>, bad-artist-2 bad-hands-5 bad_prompt_version2 NG_DeepNegative_V1_T75, jpeg artifact, (text,watermark,signature:1.2), (depth of field, bokeh, blurry:1.4), (motion lines, motion blur:1.4)]", "sampler": "k_dpmpp_2", "seamless": false, "cfg_scale": 7.5, "hires_fix": true, "threshold": 0, "variations": [], "postprocessing": [ { "type": "gfpgan", "strength": 1 } ] }, "model": "stable diffusion", "app_id": "invoke-ai/InvokeAI", "model_hash": "ec3cf67fa2a876a35ab47ed86c26b0492c224390772f342ed8d83b1405e2f488", "app_version": "2.3.4", "model_weights": "moikasmix-sig" }
