Create an image of a massive and intricately designed space stat...

Create an image of a massive and intricately designed space station orbiting a mysterious moon, with large telescopes and scanners providing a view of the enigmatic surface below. The scene should be filled with a sense of curiosity and intrigue as the inhabitants try to unravel the secrets of the moon.

{ "Seed": 4265123275, "Size": "2560x1600", "Model": "Selects_theAllysMixIII-v1", "Steps": 28, "Sampler": "DPM++ 2M Karras", "CFG scale": 10, "Model hash": "f427dd7a4f", "Negative prompt": [ "blurry", "out of focus", "low quality", "soft edges", "out of frame", "logo", "signature" ], "Face restoration": "CodeFormer", "Denoising strength": 0.3, "Ultimate SD upscale padding": 32, "Ultimate SD upscale upscaler": "4x_foolhardy_Remacri", "Ultimate SD upscale mask_blur": 8, "Ultimate SD upscale tile_width": 512, "Ultimate SD upscale tile_height": 512 }
