modelshoot style, A extremely detailed full shot body photo of t...

modelshoot style, A extremely detailed full shot body photo of the most beautiful artwork in the world, beautiful dog in front of a lake background, professional majestic oil painting by Ed Blinkey, Atey Ghailan, by Jeremy Mann, Greg Manchess, photorealistic painting, trending on Artstation, Sharp focus, dramatic, by midjourney and greg rutkowski

{ "Seed": 3660403750, "Scale": 10.03, "Steps": 30, "Img Width": 512, "Img Height": 768, "model_version": "DiffusionBeecustom_protogenX58RebuiltScifi_10", "Negative Prompt": "canva, out of frame, frame, poorly drawn face, blurry, body out of frame, canvas frame, missing arms, missing legs, cartoon, weird colors, video game, UI, interface, fantasy, naked, blurry, bad art, bad anatomy, ((poorly drawn face)), (((mutation))), (((deformed))), ((ugly))" }
