MORTAL KOMBAT TRIBUTE /// photo, portrait+ style, intricate, sy...

MORTAL KOMBAT TRIBUTE /// photo, portrait+ style, intricate, symmetrical face front view, dark fantasy, hyperrealistic render details, ultra detailed cyberpunk warrior ("Character") from Mortal Kombat, ("Color") tint, Ni-Oh, high contrast, 8k photographic style,matte painting,octane, blured background

{ "size": "2048 x 2048 (Upscaled using RealESRGAN)", "model": "deliberate_v2_split-einsum", "sampler": "DPM-Solver++", "CGFScale": 7, "nagative_prompt": "cropped head, bad framing, out of frame, deformed, missing arm, additional arms, additional legs, additional head, additional face," }

Andrey Kukharenko
Generated with the Mochi Diffusion 3.0 on M1Pro/16Gb