1girl, Dhampir necromancer, Gaunt, pale, ghostly, ethereal, dark...

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1girl, Dhampir necromancer, Gaunt, pale, ghostly, ethereal, dark hair, hooded robes, dark circles around her eyes, unearthly eyes, holding a staff of twisted black wood, adorned with skulls, a grimoire bound in human skin, Skeletal hand emerging from the ground, ghostly apparitions, a cloud of misty smoke, a shower of sparks, a blast of icy wind, a swirl of dark energy, a beam of purple light, a wave of dark energy, a halo of dark flames, a necklace of shrunken heads, a ring of dark metal, wearing Tattered robes, adorned with mystical symbols, cinched at the waist with a silver chain, flared sleeves adorned with tattered lace, hooded cloak lined with raven feathers, Obsidian earrings, onyx ring, bracelets of woven black threads, black pearl pendant, skull-shaped brooch, Leather boots with metallic buckles, soles enchanted for stealth, reinforced with steel.
