Breathtaking (bald) grizzled ((red wizard)) with ((runes on his ...

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Breathtaking (bald) grizzled ((red wizard)) with ((runes on his head)) ((Aznar Thrul)) Zulkir of Evocation from Forgotten Realms, sharp nose, stern look, wrinkled expression, weathered and rugged, wise mage by ((Bastien L. Deharme and Antonio J. Manzanedo)), dark, ((flowing red robes made of a heavy coarse fabric)), robes adorned with intricate arcane symbols in fiery red thread, leather belt, on his left hand a silver ring set with a blood-red stone. in a dimly lit, stone chamber, surrounded by shelves filled with ancient tomes and mysterious artifacts, flickering candles and a few magical lights, casting eerie shadows on the walls, In the center of the room a large, stone table covered in maps and diagrams, an open book with arcane writing, in the middle of casting a spell, his right hand raised, fingers curled into a complex gesture. Sparks of red magic swirl around his hand as he calls forth his dark powers. Crisp Pinterest model Portrait.
