Photo of a young sorceress stands atop a craggy cliff, her long ...


Photo of a young sorceress stands atop a craggy cliff, her long hair whipping in the wind. She wears flowing robes adorned with intricate runes and symbols, and her hands are raised to the sky. A bright light emanates from her palms as she casts a spell, illuminating the rugged landscape behind her. In the distance, a fierce dragon circles in the sky, and the girl braces herself for the battle to come, sharp focus, epic moment.

Ahmet Temiz
MacOS Diffusers App Model: stabilityai/stable-diffusion-2-1-base Step: 150 Seed: 745 Negative Prompt: ugly face, cityscape, modern technology, skyscrapers, neon lights, contemporary clothing, urban setting, futuristic elements.