In a forsaken empire, a once-powerful royal family has ruled the...

In a forsaken empire, a once-powerful royal family has ruled the land for more than ten generations. Yet the lineage is cut short when the queen's fifth pregnancy ends in another stillbirth. Fearing that this was a sign of God's damnation, the royal council meets in secret and decides to kill anyone who has a right to the throne. The best assassins are given their targets and, after the massacre, the royal council takes control of the empire and rules with an iron fist. The sin of such treachery curses the empire, and the land is plunged into darkness. Years later, rumors emerge of a powerful sorcerer in the north, protected by an enchanted barrier no one can break. The royal council sends you, the assassin who killed many of the nobles that fateful day, to destroy the barrier using dark magic and then kill the sorcerer. When you break the barrier and reach the sorcerer, you find that he bears a striking resemblance to the royal family.

In a forsaken empire, a once-powerful royal family has ruled the land for more than ten generations. Yet the lineage is cut short when the queen's fifth pregnancy ends in another stillbirth. Fearing that this was a sign of God's damnation, the royal council meets in secret and decides to kill anyone who has a right to the throne. The best assassins are given their targets and, after the massacre, the royal council takes control of the empire and rules with an iron fist. The sin of such treachery curses the empire, and the land is plunged into darkness. Years later, rumors emerge of a powerful sorcerer in the north, protected by an enchanted barrier no one can break. The royal council sends you, the assassin who killed many of the nobles that fateful day, to destroy the barrier using dark magic and then kill the sorcerer. When you break the barrier and reach the sorcerer, you find that he bears a striking resemblance to the royal family.

{ "seed": "3745496226", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SD1.4_SH", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
