Generate an image of a group of police officers surrounding a bu...

Generate an image of a group of police officers surrounding a building, with one officer holding a megaphone and shouting instructions to the others. Inside, a man is holding a hostage, but the police are able to successfully negotiate their release. The hostages are escorted out of the building, with the police officers forming a protective barrier around them. The atmosphere is tense, with a mix of relief and apprehension in the air as the hostages are freed and the situation is resolved.

Generate an image of a group of police officers surrounding a building, with one officer holding a megaphone and shouting instructions to the others. Inside, a man is holding a hostage, but the police are able to successfully negotiate their release. The hostages are escorted out of the building, with the police officers forming a protective barrier around them. The atmosphere is tense, with a mix of relief and apprehension in the air as the hostages are freed and the situation is resolved.

{ "seed": "3011285453", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SD1.4_SH", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
