/imagine prompt: Prompt: Illustration of a surreal, otherworldly...


/imagine prompt: Prompt: Illustration of a surreal, otherworldly scene featuring a giant, detailed and intricate tree with beautiful lighting and realistic proportions, as if it were a cinematic background, by popular artists Jeremy Geddes and Zara Gonzalez Hoang, 4k, clean, realistic face, realistic eyes, highest quality, realistic hands, trending on artstation, masterpiece::2.4 diabolic::1 da vinci::1 cellulose::1 carbon fiber::1 dusk::1 fire::1 lava glow::1 ultra wide angle lens::1 frida kahlo::1 vermillion::1 neon red color::1 amber::1 citrus::1 aluminum::1 carbon fiber::1 skin::1 metallic::1 --quality 2

{ "Seed": 70832, "Scale": 7.5, "Steps": 25, "Img Width": 512, "Img Height": 512, "model_version": "DiffusionBee1.5fp16" }
