Create a portrait of a 22-year-old girl with an enigmatic expres...

Create a portrait of a 22-year-old girl with an enigmatic expression. The girl should have a unique and interesting appearance, with a style that is both contemporary and individualistic. She should be dressed in a stylish, but not overly flashy, outfit that complements her appearance and personality. Use a rich and dynamic color palette that gives the image a sense of depth and complexity.

The background should be kept simple and neutral, allowing the girl to be the focal point. The lighting should be used to accentuate her features and create a sense of mystery and intrigue. The girl should be captured in a pose that is both relaxed and confident, with an enigmatic and alluring expression on her face. The image should be visually striking, exuding a sense of individuality, mystery, and intrigue

Create a portrait of a 22-year-old girl with an enigmatic expression. The girl should have a unique and interesting appearance, with a style that is both contemporary and individualistic. She should be dressed in a stylish, but not overly flashy, outfit that complements her appearance and personality. Use a rich and dynamic color palette that gives the image a sense of depth and complexity. The background should be kept simple and neutral, allowing the girl to be the focal point. The lighting should be used to accentuate her features and create a sense of mystery and intrigue. The girl should be captured in a pose that is both relaxed and confident, with an enigmatic and alluring expression on her face. The image should be visually striking, exuding a sense of individuality, mystery, and intrigue

{ "seed": "4234640184", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SD1.4_SH", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
