Create a close-up portrait of a 22-year-old girl with an enigmat...

Create a close-up portrait of a 22-year-old girl with an enigmatic expression, focusing on her face and short hair, for use as a mobile wallpaper. The girl should have a unique and interesting appearance, with a short hairstyle that is both contemporary and individualistic, it could be pixie cut, bob, or any other short hairstyle that fits her personality.
She should be shot in a way that captures her natural beauty, with minimal makeup or retouching, allowing her natural features to shine through.
Use a rich and dynamic color palette that gives the image a sense of depth and complexity, while highlighting her hair and facial features, the color of her hair, skin tone and eyes should be captured in a natural way.
The background should be kept simple and out of focus, allowing the girl's face and short hair to be the main focal point. The lighting should be used to accentuate her features, emphasizing the texture and shape of her hair and creating a sense of mystery and intrigue in her gaze. The final image should be optimized for use as a mobile wallpaper, with a resolution suitable for various mobile screen sizes.

Create a close-up portrait of a 22-year-old girl with an enigmatic expression, focusing on her face and short hair, for use as a mobile wallpaper. The girl should have a unique and interesting appearance, with a short hairstyle that is both contemporary and individualistic, it could be pixie cut, bob, or any other short hairstyle that fits her personality. She should be shot in a way that captures her natural beauty, with minimal makeup or retouching, allowing her natural features to shine through. Use a rich and dynamic color palette that gives the image a sense of depth and complexity, while highlighting her hair and facial features, the color of her hair, skin tone and eyes should be captured in a natural way. The background should be kept simple and out of focus, allowing the girl's face and short hair to be the main focal point. The lighting should be used to accentuate her features, emphasizing the texture and shape of her hair and creating a sense of mystery and intrigue in her gaze. The final image should be optimized for use as a mobile wallpaper, with a resolution suitable for various mobile screen sizes.

{ "seed": "1946695047", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SD1.4_SH", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
