a beautiful perfect naturally looking hand, perfect proportions,...

a beautiful perfect naturally looking hand, perfect proportions, fingers similar length as the palm, wrist similar width as thumb base. Accurate bones and joints, fingers tapering towards the tips and the knuckles clearly defined. muscles of the hand show the shape and movement of the hand, Smooth skin, fingers and knuckles slightly rounded. Clean and manicured nails, subtle and natural creases and wrinkles on palm and fingers. realistic, lifelike, detailed, proportions in place, highly realistic

a beautiful perfect naturally looking hand, perfect proportions, fingers similar length as the palm, wrist similar width as thumb base. Accurate bones and joints, fingers tapering towards the tips and the knuckles clearly defined. muscles of the hand show the shape and movement of the hand, Smooth skin, fingers and knuckles slightly rounded. Clean and manicured nails, subtle and natural creases and wrinkles on palm and fingers. realistic, lifelike, detailed, proportions in place, highly realistic

{ "seed": "1138654523", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SD1.4_SH", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
