The image showcases a traditional stained glass window depicting...

The image showcases a traditional stained glass window depicting an steampunk helmet fantasy art mask robot ninja stylized digital illustration sharp focus, elegant intricate digital painting artstation concept art global illumination ray tracing advanced technology chaykin howard and campionpascale and cooke darwyn and davis jack,flawless detail, award-winning, expertly crafted, meticulously composed photography, creative, 8k, rim light, dynamic lighting , , TIFF,The craftsmanship of the stained glass, with its leaded divisions and varying textures and hues, contributes to a sense of grandeur and historical significance.

The image showcases a traditional stained glass window depicting an steampunk helmet fantasy art mask robot ninja stylized digital illustration sharp focus, elegant intricate digital painting artstation concept art global illumination ray tracing advanced technology chaykin howard and campionpascale and cooke darwyn and davis jack,flawless detail, award-winning, expertly crafted, meticulously composed photography, creative, 8k, rim light, dynamic lighting , , TIFF,The craftsmanship of the stained glass, with its leaded divisions and varying textures and hues, contributes to a sense of grandeur and historical significance.

{ "seed": "246069867", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
