"Create an image of a sleek, futuristic airplane named 'Akil,' s...

"Create an image of a sleek, futuristic airplane named 'Akil,' soaring through the clouds at sunset. The airplane should have a unique, elegant design, with its name 'Akil' clearly visible on the side of the fuselage in modern, bold lettering. The background shows a vibrant orange and pink sky with light rays reflecting off the plane's metallic surface, giving it a majestic and advanced appearance.", 3D

"Create an image of a sleek, futuristic airplane named 'Akil,' soaring through the clouds at sunset. The airplane should have a unique, elegant design, with its name 'Akil' clearly visible on the side of the fuselage in modern, bold lettering. The background shows a vibrant orange and pink sky with light rays reflecting off the plane's metallic surface, giving it a majestic and advanced appearance.", 3D

{ "seed": "3888029690", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
