A futuristic mechanical bird with a torso formed from an America...

A futuristic mechanical bird with a torso formed from an American-style truck instead of an articulated lorry, with a massive chrome grille and exhaust stacks forming part of the design. The bird is perched on a moss-covered tree branch in a dense, misty forest, with sunlight filtering through the thick canopy. The combination of the powerful, industrial truck design with the serene natural environment creates a striking visual. Style keywords industrial fusion, cyberpunk realism, retro-futurism

A futuristic mechanical bird with a torso formed from an American-style truck instead of an articulated lorry, with a massive chrome grille and exhaust stacks forming part of the design. The bird is perched on a moss-covered tree branch in a dense, misty forest, with sunlight filtering through the thick canopy. The combination of the powerful, industrial truck design with the serene natural environment creates a striking visual. Style keywords industrial fusion, cyberpunk realism, retro-futurism

{ "seed": "3381385590", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
