A mysterious male Superhero soaring through the air above snow-c...

A mysterious male Superhero soaring through the air above snow-covered Dwight St. of Holyoke MA. The hero, standing 5'6" and weighing at a muscular 175 lbs, is clad in dark gold armor & light green matte with a cowl concealing his identity. A striking frog emblem dominates the chest of the hero's suit. In his wake, a trail of fiery dust is scattered through the air, signifying the power and speed of this enigmatic figure.

A mysterious male Superhero soaring through the air above snow-covered Dwight St. of Holyoke MA. The hero, standing 5'6" and weighing at a muscular 175 lbs, is clad in dark gold armor & light green matte with a cowl concealing his identity. A striking frog emblem dominates the chest of the hero's suit. In his wake, a trail of fiery dust is scattered through the air, signifying the power and speed of this enigmatic figure.

{ "seed": "3080264870", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
