hyper-realistic, cinematic digital art. Close-up, a giant steamp...

hyper-realistic, cinematic digital art. Close-up, a giant steampunk UFO mother-ship flies over a waterfall, mist cascades down, surrounding the intricately detailed, ruined face of Lord Shiva in meditation, within a massive fortress in the vivid, ruined cityscape. Highly detailed, extremely vibrant splash art style. Majestic, mystical, atmospheric, side-lit beauty of light and mist, mysteriously backlit face of Lord Shiva, intense warm glow of ancient symbols in the pool of water below, dark biomechanical machinery of the mother-ship looming ominously above. Salvador Dali's surrealism, Ash Thorp's cinematic, Simon Stalenhag's cyberpunk cities, Thomas Kinkade's luminous mist, ZBrush

hyper-realistic, cinematic digital art. Close-up, a giant steampunk UFO mother-ship flies over a waterfall, mist cascades down, surrounding the intricately detailed, ruined face of Lord Shiva in meditation, within a massive fortress in the vivid, ruined cityscape. Highly detailed, extremely vibrant splash art style. Majestic, mystical, atmospheric, side-lit beauty of light and mist, mysteriously backlit face of Lord Shiva, intense warm glow of ancient symbols in the pool of water below, dark biomechanical machinery of the mother-ship looming ominously above. Salvador Dali's surrealism, Ash Thorp's cinematic, Simon Stalenhag's cyberpunk cities, Thomas Kinkade's luminous mist, ZBrush

{ "seed": "3947176088", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
