A crossroads in a vast landscape, with two distinct paths diverg...

A crossroads in a vast landscape, with two distinct paths diverging in opposite directions. One path is bright and inviting, lined with golden light and vibrant flowers, leading upward toward a distant, radiant city in the clouds, symbolizing heaven. The sky above this path is clear, filled with warm sunlight, and the atmosphere is peaceful and serene. The other path is dark and foreboding, descending into a shadowy, barren wasteland. The ground along this path is cracked and lifeless, with ominous storm clouds gathering above. The path winds downward, leading to a fiery chasm filled with smoke and flames, symbolizing destruction. The contrast between the two paths is stark, highlighting the choice between light and darkness, life and destruction.

A crossroads in a vast landscape, with two distinct paths diverging in opposite directions. One path is bright and inviting, lined with golden light and vibrant flowers, leading upward toward a distant, radiant city in the clouds, symbolizing heaven. The sky above this path is clear, filled with warm sunlight, and the atmosphere is peaceful and serene. The other path is dark and foreboding, descending into a shadowy, barren wasteland. The ground along this path is cracked and lifeless, with ominous storm clouds gathering above. The path winds downward, leading to a fiery chasm filled with smoke and flames, symbolizing destruction. The contrast between the two paths is stark, highlighting the choice between light and darkness, life and destruction.

{ "seed": "2631898409", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
