The 18th-century Dastan-e-Gul-e Bakavali is an over-the-top tale...

The 18th-century Dastan-e-Gul-e Bakavali is an over-the-top tale of Prince Tajulmulk who sets off on a convoluted quest to a fairy kingdom in search of the bakavali flower, guarded by the fairy princess also called Bakavali, to cure his father’s blindness – which Tajulmulk inadvertently caused when the king laid eyes on him despite him being banished at birth on the advice of a court astrologer.

The 18th-century Dastan-e-Gul-e Bakavali is an over-the-top tale of Prince Tajulmulk who sets off on a convoluted quest to a fairy kingdom in search of the bakavali flower, guarded by the fairy princess also called Bakavali, to cure his father’s blindness – which Tajulmulk inadvertently caused when the king laid eyes on him despite him being banished at birth on the advice of a court astrologer.

{ "seed": "2694895523", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
