A sleek, futuristic sports car mines the depths of an industrial...

A sleek, futuristic sports car mines the depths of an industrial excavation site, its chrome-plated body glistening in the dim, amber-hued lighting. Rust-red earth and discarded mining equipment surround the Supra, its tires scrunched into the dirt as if it has just emerged from the depths of the mine. The air is thick with dust and the hum of machinery, yet the Supra's sharp lines and aggressive stance exude a sense of power and defiance amidst the rough, unforgiving landscape.

A sleek, futuristic sports car mines the depths of an industrial excavation site, its chrome-plated body glistening in the dim, amber-hued lighting. Rust-red earth and discarded mining equipment surround the Supra, its tires scrunched into the dirt as if it has just emerged from the depths of the mine. The air is thick with dust and the hum of machinery, yet the Supra's sharp lines and aggressive stance exude a sense of power and defiance amidst the rough, unforgiving landscape.

{ "seed": "1401671873", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
