A captivating scene of Ocean Drive at night, featuring the iconi...

A captivating scene of Ocean Drive at night, featuring the iconic pastel-colored buildings and neon lights that Miami is famous for. A stylish, retro-inspired car, possibly a 1980s Corvette or Testarossa, is parked along the curb, and a figure, presumably the player, stands next to it, looking determined and ready for action. The atmosphere is lively, with people strolling along the sidewalk, enjoying the warm Miami breeze. The player is dressed in a fashionable outfit reminiscent of the 80s, complete with a leather jacket, shades, and a vividly colored t-shirt.

A captivating scene of Ocean Drive at night, featuring the iconic pastel-colored buildings and neon lights that Miami is famous for. A stylish, retro-inspired car, possibly a 1980s Corvette or Testarossa, is parked along the curb, and a figure, presumably the player, stands next to it, looking determined and ready for action. The atmosphere is lively, with people strolling along the sidewalk, enjoying the warm Miami breeze. The player is dressed in a fashionable outfit reminiscent of the 80s, complete with a leather jacket, shades, and a vividly colored t-shirt.

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